Monday, April 22, 2019
demoscene - Ternary Dreams - SBTCVM (6.5Khz ternary VM)
This demo is different from most in the 'demoscene' in that this is running in a 'Balanced ternary' Virtual Machine. as in, not 1 & 0, but +1, -1, & 0.
Program Size: ~2KiloNonets (2000 9-digit half-words)
Written in SSTNPL (a custom, label-goto-based language with stack-based subroutines. With some in-line assembly. (a custom assembler is used.)
demo code: https://github.com/SBTCVM/SBTCVM-Gen2-9/tree/master/demos/ternarydreams (see *.stnp files for code)
Music data hand-written using SBTCVM Assembly 'raw' statements:
uses SBTCVM's custom music engine:
--- (emulated) Machine Specs ---
sound: 4-channel stereo waveform synthesis (only 2 used in demo)
graphics: framebuffered 'vector plotter' can plot 600 lines/rectangles a second. 243x243 grid. NOT directly addressable.
Interrupts: none.
'Hardware' Timers: none
Clock speed: 6.5KHz (yes, you read that right! 6500 Hertz!)