Sunday, January 6, 2019

Gen 2 App: cliclac now has a memory monitor

Memory monitors. computers have had memory monitors for quite some time, but until now SBTCVM has had to do without one.

Meet CliCalc Embedded Memory Monitor

CliCalc Embedded Memory Monitor In all its Glory.

Its fairly basic at the moment. only having single-address-at-a-time reads and writes, for the data, instruction, and IO buses respectively.

Possible improvements include dumping ranges of memory in a similar fashion to  (Added), As well as possible disk support when time (and SBTVDI's development state) allows.



via 'L', you can write to the IObus. that may not sound like much, but that means you can do this:

  1. start clicalc from the shell (so you can still see the TTY output mirrored to the OS terminal's standard output)
  2. enter the memory monitor via  'p'
  3. 'L' command: address 500, value 30   :A grey screen should appear in place of the pygame window's emulated text screen.
  4. 'L' command: address 507, value 9490 :The screen should turn bright violet/purple
  5. 'L' command: address 500, value 0    :The tty should now be displayed again.

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