Wednesday, February 27, 2019

video: Oncoming Trains v1.5 - a balnanced ternary 2-track dodge game.

Oncoming trains, a video game for SBTCVM and technically its first true video game.

v1.0 has been covered in a video before, though v1.5 offers vastly improved visuals. (relatively)

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Video: oncoming trains - a balanced ternary video game for SBTCVM.

A short Video featuring a new SBTCVM game: 'oncoming trains'.
On a Technical level, its SBTCVM's first graphical SBTGA game, and hence its first true video game.

It uses SBTGA mode 30: the vector plotter. that's why it looks so sparse, as the plotter can only do 3 drawing operations: fill screen,draw rectangle, and draw line.

Whether its the first true ternary video game in general, i don't know.